by pmior | Oct 1, 2021 | Organizations, Paul Mior, Philanthropy
People wanting to improve their communities or help people in need can easily find a charity and philanthropies to donate their time, money, or skills. Although many individuals use these terms in the same way, they mean different things. Charity Charities tend to...
by pmior | Aug 3, 2021 | Organizations, Paul Mior, Philanthropy, Special Needs
Raising a child is guaranteed to be a difficult process, but it is exponentially harder when you have a child with special needs. The vast majority of your free time is strictly devoted to improving the life of your kid. The inability to get time for yourself can be...
by pmior | Jul 13, 2021 | Paul Mior, Philanthropy
If you would like to become an advocate in your community, you’ll be happy to learn that it’s easier than you might think. An advocate by definition is someone who publicly supports a cause or a policy. That might conjure up images of going to meetings,...
by pmior | Jun 13, 2021 | Organizations, Paul Mior, Philanthropy
Unfortunately, fraud can find its way into almost any financial venture, and charities are no exception. Therefore, individuals considering charitable donations should research carefully the organization to which they wish to donate. One important act is to ask for...
by pmior | Apr 16, 2021 | Philanthropy
When beginning a nonprofit, it can be difficult to nail down some streams of income. Even more so, it is important to set up a detailed budget so your organization can continue fulfilling its purpose. Cut out unnecessary spending and create a reasonable budget with...
by pmior | Apr 7, 2021 | Philanthropy
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